Some of you may remember a little post that I wrote in January and almost didn’t put up because I was so nervous about stepping out of my comfort zone. But if we don’t blog to push ourselves, why even do it?
I’m currently in the middle of a 10-week running program that should have me 10K ready by the end of it, and here are some highlights from the last three weeks:
Week One – completed a two-mile run in 22 minutes and 40 seconds.
Week Two – ran speed intervals and sprinted at a pace of just over 7 mph.
Week Three – ran my first tempo run and it was the first time I’ve ever continuously run for 4 miles, which took almost exactly 45 minutes; walked for the first time in the middle of a run (I know this isn’t the best thing to admit to, but I let myself walk for a half mile when something felt off with my right ankle, so points for listening to my body!)
The main thing that I’ve learned since starting the program is that I can totally run a 10K! Have I run a full 6.2 miles yet? No, but as my new coworker told me upon seeing my running program tacked up at my desk, if you can run 4 miles straight (which I have!), you can run a 10K. I’ve also been really inspired by Gabby’s journey to Disney’s Princess Half Marathon. She started out running 4 miles as her “long” runs and finished off a whole 13.1 miles last weekend, so a big congrats to her!
Truth be told, there were three full weeks since I started the 10K training when I didn’t make it to the gym. Not even once. What can I say? When the roads are too dangerous to get me to work in the morning, I feel like it would be irresponsible for me to try to make it to Planet Fitness. (Being really honest, the first week was more me being lazy and unmotivated, but we’re blaming everything else on the weather, so why not this, too?)
Thanks for following along, and any good thoughts/advice you can send my way for the next four weeks (when the runs get longer and faster) would be appreciated! Also a big shout out to my dad who didn’t sign up to be my personal running coach but has accepted the role with grace.
Have a great weekend, folks, and I’ll see you on Monday!
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