On the final Friday of each month, I take a look back at all the things I loved and put together this list of recommendations for you: the Friday Finale. It might include the best book I read, a particularly impressive recipe I tried, or the best thing I streamed this month. I hope these standout moments from my month inspire you to make some time for yourself looking forward!

Hello! Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020.
I’ve already waxed poetic about the new decade and made my resolutions public to increase accountability (spoiler alert: it never works for me), so now it’s time to dive into the things I loved this month.
Fun fact: I chose this image as a “yeah! resolutions! kicking butt and taking names” type of thing… and then none of my favorites of the month have anything to do with fitness or being healthy or even anything to do with my other resolutions. *shrug*

For the past few years, I’ve relied on Moleskine for all my planner needs. This year, I took a chance on a Cupcakes and Cashmere planner for Blue Sky, and I’m so very glad that I did. As a social media manager, I like to have a monthly calendar so I can visually see how all of my campaigns and posts will fit together. As a very, very type-A individual, I like to look at one week at a time and check off the most important tasks as I complete them.
Enter the 2020 Weekly Planner! It’s small enough to fit in any bag I carry, large enough to allow me to write in the monthly calendar spaces, and looks quite chic. Plus, I’m mildly obsessed with the Cupcakes and Cashmere team so carrying around their planner makes me feel like a part of the girl gang.

This time last year, I wrote about Sex Education, the phenomenal Netflix series that debuted its second season this month.
This year, Netflix still has my attention. Along with bingeing the new season of Sex Education, the final season of Anne With An E, and the docuseries Pandemic, I watched this poignant, beautifully shot film about Pope Benedict XVI and the future Pope Francis. The main actors, Anthony Hopkins (aka Hannibal Lector and Odin from the Thor movies) and Jonathan Pryce (aka the High Sparrow in Game of Thrones and the almost father-in-law from What a Girl Wants), give phenomenal performances, and it was really interesting to see the “behind-the-scenes” of how Pope Francis became the Pope and learn a bit about his history.
I should also just point out that I’m not Catholic, so while I thought the two Popes were accurately but respectfully portrayed, someone viewing the film from a Catholic perspective might have a different opinion.

This is not the first time I’ve mentioned Tieghan Gerard in a Friday Finale post. (My coworkers went mad for her cookie dough-stuffed soft pretzels!) I bought her first cookbook a while back after following her blog religiously, and I got her Super Simple cookbook for my birthday this past year.
What can you expect from this cookbook? Here are some of my favorites so far: Crispy Chicken Khao Soi Noodle Soup (a flavorful Thai chicken noodle soup), Spinach and Artichoke Mac-and-Cheese Bake (cheesy and creamy and crunchy all at once), Spicy Potato Shakshuka (the best eggs in a spicy tomato sauce), and Snickerdoodles with Eggnog Frosting (slice and bake for the easiest holiday party recipe you’ve ever made). I could go on all night, or you could just buy the cookbook and save us both some time! 😉

I am obsessed with this travel mug. Like so obsessed that my coworkers had to hear about pretty much every day in January. I got this 16 oz. stainless steel mug from Zojirushi for Christmas (thanks, Parker!), and it’s a dream. More sustainable than your Starbucks cup, doesn’t spill at all, and you’re going to think I’m exaggerating about how well this thing keeps my coffee warm, but I’m not.
To give you a little background, I’m the person who reheats her cup of coffee at least three times before finishing it. With this mug, my coffee is still as hot as when it first brewed for hours. As in, when I’m driving home 10 hours later, it’s still hot. Not warm, hot. Even 24 hours later, it’s still warm. It’s a genius little machine, and I’m hooked.

My boss has Rothy’s. My coworker’s wife has Rothy’s. A woman on my morning bus has Rothy’s. I’ve seen them everywhere for the last six months, and I knew I needed a pair of my own. Not only are they machine washable and incredibly classic, but they’re made from plastic water bottles! How cool is that?!
I got The Point in Solid Black, and they are the perfect office shoe. Super comfortable, work appropriate, and will fill you with that eco-friendly good karma to make all your career dreams come true. In case you’re interested: This link gives you $20 off your first order.
And that’s everything new and notable from the very first month of the new decade! Leave me a little something that you loved from January in the comments.

P.S. You can catch all of my past Friday Finale posts, too!
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