I was never a math kid. I liked words. Loved them would be the more apt description, and I could learn them, write them, spell them, and read them better than anyone else in my class. It was a point of pride for me (and obviously still is)! So when I saw our Blogging 101 prompt for the day, I was confused.
Luckily, I remembered another writing assignment in which I had to use numbers, and what followed was a pretty decent (once proper editing had taken place) villanelle based on the game “Two Lies and a Truth”…
This is not quite so fancy.
1. I helped deliver a tiny little lamb during the month that I spent living on the west coast of Ireland. It had a tiny little head and a tiny little body, and it started bleating mere seconds out of the womb.
2. When I was little, I was such a precocious child that I once caught a bumblebee in my hand, just to get a closer look at him. I then refused to hand him over when I squeezed a bit too hard and lodged his stinger into my palm.
3. Two years ago, I had the opportunity to sing for mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City with my university’s choir. We had to wear cardigans to cover our scandalous sleeveless choir dresses and could only sing in Latin.
4. I attended the inauguration of President George W. Bush when I was ten. The United States Marine Corps band played, and that’s pretty much all that I remember from it. We were so far away that my ten-year-old brain lost interest.
So there is my 2+2=4 for the day. Two lies, two truths.
Can you tell what’s real and what isn’t? I’d love to read your guesses below!
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